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Install the AHA SDK

npm install @volenday/sdk --save

yarn add @volenday/sdk

Welcome to the AHA! You can use our API to access AHA API endpoints, which can get be use for you AHA applications.

Currently, we support REST API and Node.js SDK.


Initialize your app by passing the api key

const { ENVIRONMENTS, initialize } = require("@volenday/sdk");

//ES2015 / ES6
import { ENVIRONMENTS, initialize } from "@volenday/sdk";

initialize({ apiKey: "API_KEY", environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX });

Make sure to replace all necessary parameters.

Start by initializing your application.


Key Required Default Description
apiKey true - Can be get/created in you AHA cloud account.
environment true production You can set it to sandbox by using the SDK ENVIRONMENTS and call it like ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX.

Please take note that you only need initialize you app once in your root file.


Login with Email Address

const { auth } = require("@volenday/sdk");

    apiKey: "API_KEY",
    emailAddress: "USER_EMAIL",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    headers: {},
    password: "USER_PASSWORD",
    rememberMe: false
  .then(function(response) {})
  .catch(function(error) {});

//ES2015 / ES6
import { auth } from "@volenday/sdk";

const response = await auth.loginWithEmail({
  apiKey: "API_KEY",
  emailAddress: "USER_EMAIL",
  headers: {},
  password: "USER_PASSWORD",
  rememberMe: false

Make sure to replace all necessary parameters.


Key Required Default Description
apiKey true Autoset from initialize function Can be get/created in you AHA cloud account
emailAddress true - Email Address
password true - Password
environment false Autoset from initialize function (production) Either sandbox or production
headers false {'Content-Type':'application/json'} Pass your custom headers
rememberMe false false To disregard the session timeout

Login with Google

You have to handle the google popup login or oauth. On login success, google will provide an access token or id token. You have to pass that token to AHA SDK.

const { auth } = require("@volenday/sdk");

    apiKey: "API_KEY",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    headers: {},
    token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"
  .then(function(response) {})
  .catch(function(error) {});

//ES2015 / ES6
import { auth } from "@volenday/sdk";

const response = await auth.loginWithGoogle({
  apiKey: "API_KEY",
  headers: {},
  token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"

Make sure to replace all necessary parameters.


Key Required Default Description
apiKey true Autoset from initialize function Can be get/created in you AHA cloud account
token true - Access or ID token from google login
environment false Autoset from initialize function (production) Either sandbox or production
headers false {'Content-Type':'application/json'} Pass your custom headers

Login with Facebook

You have to handle the facebook popup login or oauth. On login success, facebook will provide an access token or id token. You have to pass that token to AHA SDK.

const { auth } = require("@volenday/sdk");

    apiKey: "API_KEY",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    headers: {},
    token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"
  .then(function(response) {})
  .catch(function(error) {});

//ES2015 / ES6
import { auth } from "@volenday/sdk";

const response = await auth.loginWithFacebook({
  apiKey: "API_KEY",
  headers: {},
  token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"

Make sure to replace all necessary parameters.


Key Required Default Description
apiKey true Autoset from initialize function Can be get/created in you AHA cloud account
token true - Access or ID token from facebook login
environment false Autoset from initialize function (production) Either sandbox or production
headers false {'Content-Type':'application/json'} Pass your custom headers



To get the list of recrods or specific record by id, you have to use the get function under database object. You can narrow your query by using the chain methods.

const { database } = require("@volenday/sdk");

    entity: "ENTITY_ID",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"
  .fields(["FirstName", "LastName"])
  .filter({ Age: { $gte: 18 } })
  .ids([1, 2, 3])
  .keywords("John Doe")
  .sort({ FirstName: 1 })
  .then(function(response) {})
  .catch(function(error) {});

//ES2015 / ES6
import { database } from "@volenday/sdk";

const response = await database
    entity: "ENTITY_ID",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"
  .fields(["FirstName", "LastName"])
  .filter({ Age: { $gte: 18 } })
  .ids([1, 2, 3])
  .keywords("John Doe")
  .sort({ FirstName: 1 })

Make sure to replace all necessary parameters.


Key Required Default Description
entity true - Entity/Table/Collection ID
token true Autoset from initialize function (production) Access or ID token from authentication
environment true Autoset from initialize function (production) Either sandbox or production


Key Required Default Description
exec true To execute the whole chain
all false false To get all records and disregard the pagination
autoPopulate false true This will auto populate all reference connected entity
count false false To get records count
fields false [all fields] To specify which fields you want return
filter false {} This method is using all mongodb querying methods like $eq, $gt/$gte, $lt/\$lte
ids false [] To filter specific list of records IDs
keywords false '' If you need to filter all string fields by string of text
page false 1 Will be use for pagination
populate false [] Incase autoPopulate is off and you want to populate specific fields only
setId false - This is to get 1 record
size false 50 Number of records to return
sort false {Id: -1} Sort the return records, 1 for ASC and -1 for DESC


Create or add new record to your entity, this accepts a javascript object. Incase you have file fields in you entity, SDK will automatically do form-data transfer.

const { database } = require("@volenday/sdk");

    entity: "ENTITY_ID",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"
  .data({ FirstName: "John", LastName: "Doe" })
  .then(function(response) {})
  .catch(function(error) {});

//ES2015 / ES6
import { database } from "@volenday/sdk";

const response = await database
    entity: "ENTITY_ID",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"
  .data({ FirstName: "John", LastName: "Doe" })

Make sure to replace all necessary parameters.


Key Required Default Description
entity true - Entity/Table/Collection ID
token true Autoset from initialize function (production) Access or ID token from authentication
environment true Autoset from initialize function (production) Either sandbox or production


Key Required Default Description
exec true To execute the whole chain
autoPopulate false true This will auto populate all reference connected entity
data true {} Javascript object containing the form data
populate false [] Incase autoPopulate is off and you want to populate specific fields only


Update a record to your entity, this accepts a javascript object. Pass only the fields you want to update

const { database } = require("@volenday/sdk");

    entity: "ENTITY_ID",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    id: "RECORD_ID",
    token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"
  .data({ FirstName: "John" })
  .then(function(response) {})
  .catch(function(error) {});

//ES2015 / ES6
import { database } from "@volenday/sdk";

const response = await database
    entity: "ENTITY_ID",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    id: "RECORD_ID",
    token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"
  .data({ FirstName: "John" })

Make sure to replace all necessary parameters.


Key Required Default Description
entity true - Entity/Table/Collection ID
token true Autoset from initialize function (production) Access or ID token from authentication
id true - Record ID to update
environment true Autoset from initialize function (production) Either sandbox or production


Key Required Default Description
exec true To execute the whole chain
autoPopulate false true This will auto populate all reference connected entity
data true {} Javascript object containing the form data
populate false [] Incase autoPopulate is off and you want to populate specific fields only


Delete a record to your entity.

const { database } = require("@volenday/sdk");

    entity: "ENTITY_ID",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    id: "RECORD_ID",
    token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"
  .then(function(response) {})
  .catch(function(error) {});

//ES2015 / ES6
import { database } from "@volenday/sdk";

const response = await database
    entity: "ENTITY_ID",
    environment: ENVIRONMENTS.SANDBOX,
    id: "RECORD_ID",
    token: "ACCESS_TOKEN"

Make sure to replace all necessary parameters.


Key Required Default Description
entity true - Entity/Table/Collection ID
token true Autoset from initialize function (production) Access or ID token from authentication
id true - Record ID to update
environment true Autoset from initialize function (production) Either sandbox or production


Key Required Default Description
exec true To execute the whole chain